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Scroll down for advice on temporary care pertaining to rescued birds.



Keep the bird dark and quiet in a box with soft bedding.  Keep them in a room without people or pets to reduce stress. 


If they can stay upright, you may put a small lid of water, like from a peanut butter jar, and some food in the box with them.  They can have mealworms, diced fruit (berries, grape, melon), suet, nuts, and even soaked pet kibble (please offer regular wild birdseed to Doves).  If unstable, do not put in a water dish.  Fruit can provide moisture. 


If this is outside of our hotline hours (9am-6pm) please go to our resources page, and Animal Help Now! online for other wildlife help.


Thank you.

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two baby bluebirds-EDIT-1.png


Keep him warm, dark and quiet in a box with soft bedding. Put the box on a heating pad set to LOW. 

If you don't have a heating pad, make a warm rice sock (cup of raw rice in a long sock, tie it in a knot, microwave 30 seconds or until warm), place the rice sock in the box, but not up against the bird. 


Please, NO water or anything liquid from a dropper or syringe.  Babies can aspirate very easily. Better to use tweezers or a toothpick to feed. They will get moisture from food.  You can give them crushed live mealworms, diced fruit like berries or grapes, even soaked pet kibble.  Pieces should be no bigger than their beak.  They should be fed every 30 minutes for 12 hours a day.  Let them rest all night. 


If this is outside our hotline hours (9am-6pm) please got to our resources page and Animal Help Now! online for other wildlife help. 


Thank you.

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